Hello everybody, i am sorry about my blog, because the Internet have some problem recently,but today it is OK,hope you forgive me .
Today we talk about Starbucks hot coffee vending machines.
Before we start,can I ask you a question?Do you know Starbucks?if you do not know,i give you a website you can know some information about Starbucks from this website
http://www.starbucks.com/ourcoffees/In this society , people like drink coffee, but a good coffee need a long time to prepare it .When you go to work , you want to buy a coffee,because you think it can make you vigorous that you can work hard,but if you need 5 -10minutes in the ques and you also need 5 minutes to wait it,maybe you will change your mind,won't you?because you will late because you spend more than 10 minutes to wait the coffee.
Now ,we can do not worried about it, because Starbucks have a new product, that is Starbucks hot coffee vending machine .This is a good product,it can deal with some problem,like save time,and save money.
but,even though it is very convenient,but if we want to keep it hot,and fresh ,we must need people to make it well,so we should spend money about it,and we also should protect the
machine,so we need people check it or build in some machine to protect it.
what do you think of it?can you give me some advice,and i hope my spelling are write