Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Economic:How world's biggest ship is delivering our Christmas-all the way from China

Let's talk about the benefits and the cost of use the biggest ship to transport!
I think there will be less pollution for unit carried and massive the capacity, because they can transport a lot of containers by a big ship. Also it will be reduce the price , because the cost of transport will decrease for instance the biggest ship just need transport thoes goods at once so it save the cost. low labour cost as well, because there are only 13 crews which this case study mentioned. Also low fuel cost per container carried.
Build a biggest ship must cost a lot, also if a ship is very big, the speed will be reduce because when they want to pass some canal, for example Suez canal, they will use a lot of time. Also ore railway line needed. If they want to save money, the capacity of this ship must be full.
Then, I would like talk about if UK trade with China.
If UK trade with China, they can spend less money to import, also when they transport some products from China to UK, they can creates jobs for transport. Also it leading to lower cost push inflation, because the products from China is cheap which reduce the price of goods. However, trade with China might reduce the manufacture job in UK.

1 comment:

chris sivewright said...

1. Check the English with Peter and then make all your corrections.

I am serious!

2. In future use your blog to make lost of economic points.