Wednesday 22 April 2009

Motivation 1

Before I start to write motivation, I shoul dsay we are work hard , we are care about our exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok,now start writing
Motivation is a way to encourage employees work hard leading to increase productivity.
The types of motivation:
1) Taylor
2) Mayo
3) Maslow
4) Herzberg

Taylor motivate employees is money
Mayo motivate employees by social factors, for example social contact, working with group
Maslow people need basic first
fgnuyvHerzberg such as company policy, supervision, working conditions, pay and relations,which means sort out a good environment first.
I remember when Shasmin thought me about motivation in easter course, she said :
when we talk about motivation we need focus on Hierachy, which means the different level of employees, but I am not sure it is right, cause I can not remember it clearly.
(Hierache:the traditional structure is a series levels, where each level has responsibility for, and authirity over, the levels below, this is called Hierachy)
For example
Motivate manager, because they do not really care about their wages, for them the work condition is more important, therefore, herzberg motivation may more suitable for them.
And about junior employees, money is a main motivation for them, the wage get higher, leading to encourage them to work hard. So here, Taylor motivation is better for them.
Maslow can motivate every level of employees, Mayo motivate the similar employees as well I think.

1 comment:

chris sivewright said...

do you know how to use the spell-check?